
Raggedy Andy & Ann

Tengo una obsesión con las muñecas de trapo.

Desde que supe que iba a tener una nena me dediqué a buscar juguetes artesanales, y una de las cosas que más me gustaron fueron las muñecas de trapo, creo que alguna vez lo escribí. Las tejidas también me fascinan.

Lo que más me gustó cuando emprendí esa búsqueda fueron los patrones de muñecas de trapo antiguas, me parecen bárbaras, son muñecas preciosas y llenas de detalles, con ropa muy linda y tan armada.

Y me topé con muñecas con las que, si bien seguro en algún momento vi, no sabía que tenían un nombre específico. Hablo de las "Raggedy Andy & Ann".
Tienen un no sé qué que me encanta, puedo inundarlas con imágenes de diferentes variaciones de esta muñeca, ya estoy pensando la manera de armarme un molde para hacerla yo misma, en estos momentos se me imposibilita comprar el molde (hay millones de webs que los venden) y acá vi una sencilla que es fácil recrearla a "ojo"

Pero en mi obsesión de búsqueda me topé con una versión tejida que queda en mis pendientes.
Les paso las instrucciones, están en inglés, si alguna quiere pasarnos la versión traducida será bienvenida =)

Size 20”
Materials:- Worsted weight yarn, 1 3-1/2 oz. skein of each pink, red, white and blue. Small amounts of beige and black. Crochet hook size I (5-1/2 mm). Fiberfill. Scraps of black, white and red felt. Red and black embroidery floss. White Glue. Two red buttons for Andy’s overalls; four white buttons for Andy’s shirt; 2 red buttons for Ann’s shoes; 6 blue buttons for Ann’s dress. 1/2 yard 3/4” wide ribbon. Snap fasteners. Gauge:- 7 st.s = 2”

ANDY:-BODY:- Beg at bottom, with pink, ch2.
Rnd 1; 8 sc in 2nd chain from hook. Do not join round; mark beg of rnds.
Rnds 2 & 3; 2 sc in each sc around -- 32 sc total.
Rnds. 4 - 6; Work even.
Rnd 7; (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) 16 times -- 48 sc.
Rnds 8 - 24; Work even.
Rnd 25; *Pull up a lp in next 2 sc, yo and through 3 lps om hook (dec made), repeat from * around. -- 24 sc.
Rnd 26; Work even.Rnd 27; (Sc in 2 sc, dec 1 sc) 6 times. -- 18 sc.
Rnds 28 - 30; Work even {neck}.Rnd 31; 2 sc in each sc around -- 36 sc.
Rnd 32; Work even.Rnd 33; (Sc in 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) 9 times -- 45 sc.“Stuff body and neck firmly”.
Rnds 34 - 44; Work even.
Rnd 45; (Dec 1 sc)22 times, sc in last sc. -- 23 sc.
Rnd 46; Work even.
Rnd 47; (Dec 1 sc) 11 times, sc in last sc -- 12 sc.
Rnd 48; Work even.“Stuff head firmly using end of crochet hook to push stuffing inside.”
Rnd 49; Sl st in every other st until opening is closed. End off.

ARMS:- Make 2.Thumb; with pink, ch 2.
Rnd 1; 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
Rnds 2 - 4; Sc in sc around. At end of Rnd 4, sl st in first sc.End off. Set thumb aside.Beg with hand, with pink ch 2.Rnd 1; 6 sc in 2nd ch fron hook.
Rnd 2; 2 sc in each sc around. - 12 sc.
Rnds 3 & 4; Work even.
Rnd 5; (Sc in 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) 4 times.
Rnd 6; Work even. - 16 sc.
Rnd 7; Line up bottom 3 sc of thumb to next 3 sc of hand; working through both thumb and
hand, sc in 3 sc, sc in remaining 13 sc of hand.
Rnd 8; Sc in remaining 3 sc of thumb, sc in remaining 13 sc around.
Rnd 9; Work even.
Rnd 10; *Sc in 2 sc, sk next sc, repeat from * around, sc in last sc.
Rnds 11 & 12; Work even -- 11 sc.
Rnd 13; (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) 5 times, sc in last sc.
Rnds 14 - 26; Work even on 16 sc.
Rnd 27; Stuff hand and arm firmly; do not stuff thumb.Flatten top of arm and sc edges together. Sew arms to upper sides of body so that thumbs point up.

Beg with sole, with beige, ch 10.
Rnd 1; Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 7 ch, 3 sc on last ch; working back on opposite side of
starting ch, sc in 7 ch, 2 sc in ch with first sc. -- 20 sc.
Rnd 2; 2 sc in first sc, sc in 8 sc, 2 sc on next sc. sc in 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 2 sc in last sc. -- 24 sc.
Rnd 3; 2 sc in first sc, sc in 9 sc, 2 sc in 3 sc, sc in 9 sc, 2 sc in last 2 sc. -- 30 sc.
Rnd 4; Work even.
Rnd 5; working back lps only, sc in each sc around. Sl st in first sc; end off. Turn sole so that wrong side is bottom of sole.
Rnd 6; Join black in first front lp of rnd 4, sc in each front lp around.
Rnds 7 & 8; Work even in sc.
Rnd 9; Sc in 10 sc, (sk next sc, sc in next sc)5 times, sc in 10 sc --25 sc.
Rnd 10; Work even.
Rnd 11; Sc in 10 sc (sk next sc, sc in next sc)3 times, sc in 9 sc. -- 22 sc.
Rnd 12; Work even. Sl st in first sc. End off.
Rnd 13; Beg socks, with white, sc in each sc.
Rnd 14; Sc in 10 sc, (sk next sc, sc in next sc) twice, sc in 8 sc. -- 20 sc.
Rnds 15 - 36; Working 2 rnds red, 2 rnds white, work even in sc, changing colours in last sc
of rnd as follows: draw up a lp of last colour, drop yarn to wrong side, finish sc with new colour.
Rnd 37; With red, sc in 3 sc. Stuff shoes and socks firmly, flatten top of socks and sc edges tog with 9 sc across. sew legs to bottom of body. for shoelaces, weave a piece of white yarn up top of shoes, crisscrossing twice, tie ends in a bow.

HAIR:- Wind red yarn 30 times around 5” cardboard. Fold loops in half and tie together at center; cut loops open at each end. Make 14 of these tufts. Tie 1 to top of head, 1 to front for bangs, 3 down each side of head, 3 down back of head right of center, 3 down back of head left of center.

FACE:- For eyes, cut 2 ovals from white felt, 2 ovals from black felt (slightly smaller than white). Glue to head or sew on. With black embroidery floss, embroider nose and mouth in outline stitch. For freckles embroider french knots.

SHIRT:- With white, beg at nack edge, ch 27.
Row 1; Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across - 26 sc. Ch 1, turn each row.
Row 2; Sc in each sc.
Row 3; 2 sc in each sc - 52 sc.
Row 4; Sc in each sc.
Row 5; Sc in 9 sc, ch 12, sk 10 sc, sc in 14 sc, ch 12, sk 10 sc, sc in 9 sc.
Row 6; Sc in 9 sc, sc in 12 ch, sc in 14 sc, sc in 12 ch, sc in 9 sc.
Rows 7 - 21; Work even in sc - 56 sc. At end of row 21, do not ch 1; sc up front of shirt, sc in each ch across starting ch, sc down other edge, sc across lower edge. end off.

Rnd 1; Join white in corner of arm opening, work 26 sc around armhole.
Rnds 2 - 7; Sc in each sc around. At end of rnd 7, sl st in first sc. End off.

OVERALLS:- Beg with bib, with blue, ch 13.
Row 1; Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn each row.
Rows 2 - 10; Sc in 12 sc. At end of row 10 do not ch 1 or turn.
Rnd 11; Ch 40; being careful not to twist ch, sc in first sc of row 10, sc in next 11 sc, sc in 40 ch -- 52 sc.
Rnds 12 - 25; Work even in sc.
Rnd 26; *Sc in 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat from * around, sc in 4 sc. -- 60 sc.
Rnds 27 & 28; Work even in sc.
Row 29; Sc in 12 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 30 - 50; Sc in 30 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 51; Working front loops only, sc in 30 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 52 - 53; Working in both loops, sc in 30 sc. At end of row 53, end off. Sew leg seams.

KNEE PATCH:- With red ch 6. Work 5 rows of 5 sc. Sew patch to overalls leg.

POCKETS(make 2):- With blue, ch 8. Work 5 rows of 7 sc. End off. With white, sc around pocket, working 2 sc in each corner. Sew pockets to back of overalls.

SUSPENDERS: (make 2):- With blue, ch 32. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch, 3 sc in last ch; working back on opposite side of ch, sc in each ch. Join to first sc. End off.Sew a red button to rounded end of each suspender. Fasten suspenders to bib with snap fasteners. Cross suspenders in back and sew to top edge of back.

HAT; With blue, ch 2.
Rnd 1; 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
Rnds 2 & 3; 2 sc in each sc around -- 24 sc.
Rnd 4; Work even.
Rnd 5; (Sc in next sc,
2 sc in next sc) 12 times. -- 36 sc.
Rnd 6; Work even.
Rnd 7; (Sc in next sc, 2 sc
in next sc) 18 times -- 54 sc.
Rnds 8 - 16; Work even. Sl st in first sc. End off.
Rnd 17; With white, sc in each sc around.
Rnd 18; Working in front loops
only, sc in each sc around.
Rnd 19 - 21; Work even in sc. Join; end off. Turn up
white cuff.

ANN:- Body same as for Andy. Arms same as for Andy.
Shoes & Socks: (make 2); with black, ch 8.
Rnd 1; Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch; working back on opposite side of ch, sc in 7 ch - 14 sc.
Rnd 2; 2 sc in first sc, sc in 5 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in 5 sc, 2 sc in last sc. --18 sc.
Rnd 3; 2 sc in 2 sc, sc in 6 sc, 2 sc in 3 sc, sc in 6 sc, 2 sc in last sc - 24 sc.
Rnd 4; Working in back loops only, sc in each sc around.
Rnds 5 - 7; Working in both lps, work even in sc. Join; end off.
Rnd 8; With beige, sc in each front lp of rnd 3. Join and end off.
Rnd 9; With white, beg in first sc of rnd 7, sc in back loops only of
each sc.
Rnd 10; Working in both lps, sc in 10 sc, (sk next sc, sc in next sc) 3
times, sc in 8 sc. -- 21 sc.
Rnd 11; Pullup a loop in first sc, drop white, draw
red through 2 lps on hook (always change colours this way); with red, sc in each
sc around.
Rnd 12; Sc in 9 sc, (sk next sc, sc in next sc)3 times, sc in 6 sc. --
18 sc.
Rnd 13; Change to white, sc in each sc around.
Rnd 14; Sc 8 sc, (sk next
sc, sc in next sc)3 times, sc in 4 sc. -- 15 sc.
Rnd 15; Change to red, sc in each sc around.
Rnd 16; (Sc in 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc)5 times. 20 sc.
Rnds 17-34; Working 2 rnds white, 2 rnds red, work evenly on 20 sc.
Rnd 35; with red sc around. Stuff shoes and socks firmly.
Rnd 36; With red, sc in 3 sc, flatten top, sc 2 edges tog with 9 sc. Sew socks to body.

Shoe straps (make 2):- With black, ch 11. Work 10 sc on ch. Wnd off. Tack one end of strap to inside top edge of shoe, bring over shoe and tack other end of outside top of shoe. Sew a small red
button to outside end of strap.

HAIR: Wind red 24 times around 2-1/2’ cardboard.
Tie loops tog at center. Make 14 of these tufts. Tie one to top of head, one to
forehead fro bangs, 3 down each side of head, 3 down back of head left of
center, 3 down back of head to right of center. Sew a ribbon bow to head.

FACE:- Makes eyes same as for Andy. With black embroidery floss, embroider eyelashes
and nose in outline st. Embroider mouth with red. Cut two red felt circles for
cheeks. Glue or sew on.

BLOOMERS:- With white, ch 54. Sl st in first ch to form
Rnd 1; Sc in each ch around.
Rnd 2 - 19; Work even in sc.
Row 20; Sc in 27
sc. Ch1, turn.
Rows 21-37; Sc in 27 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 38; Working in front lps
only, sc in 27 sc. Ch 3, turn.
Row 39; Working in both lps, sc in first sc, *ch 2, sc in next sc, ch 2, sc in smae sc, repeat from * across. End off.Work 2nd
leg the same, rows 20 -39. Sew leg seams. Draw white yarn through waist for
drawstring and tie into bow.

DRESS:- With blue ch 27.
Row 1; Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch - 26 sc. Ch 1, turn each row.
Row 2; Sc in each sc across.
Row 3; 2 sc in each sc - 52 sc.
Row 4; Sc in each sc across.
Row 5; Sc in 9 sc, ch 10, sk 8 sc, sc in 18 sc, ch 10, sk 8 sc, sc in 9 sc.
Row 6; Sc in each sc and ch across. - 56 sc.
Row 7; Sc in each sc across. Cut blue.
Row 8; With white, working in black lps only, sc in each sc.
Rows 9 -16; Working in both lps, work even in sc.
Row 17; (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) 28 times - 84 sc.
Rows 18 -25; Sc in each sc across.
Row 26; Working in front lps only, sc in each sc across.
Row 27; Working in both lps, sc in each sc across. Cut white.
Row 28; With blue, sl st in first sc, ch 3, sc in same sc, *ch 2, sc in next sc, ch 2, sc in same sc, repeat from * across. End off.
Row 29; Join blue in first back lp of row 25, sc in each
back lp across.
Rows 30 -34; Working in both lps, work even on 84 sc. End off.
Row 35; With white, repeat row 28.

NECK RUFFLE:- Join white to first ch at neck edge, work ruffle as for row 28 across starting ch.

Rnd 1; Join blue to corner of arm opening, work 24 sc around armhole.
Rnds 2 -14; Sc in each sc around. At end of rnd 14, sl st in first sc. End off.
Rnd 15; With white, sc in each sc around.
Rnd 16; Work ruffle as for row 28.

SUSPENDERS (make 2):- With white, ch 21. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch; working back on ch, sc in each ch. Sl st in first sc. End off. Sew a blue button to one end of each suspender. Sew this end to front of dress at bottom of blue section; sew other end to back of dress at bottom of blue section.

POCKETS (make 2):- With blue, ch 6.
Rows 1 - 4; Work even on 5 sc. At end of row 4, work sc around pocket working 2 sc in each corner. Sew pockets to front of dress.Sew 4 blue buttons down right back edge of dress, first one at neck edge, last one above ruffles.

Mi primer premio

No es lindo? Jejej, me lo pasó Patry... quien es un amor, sepanlo! Y yo no sé a quién pasarlo, porque la verdad estuve tan lejos que ya ni sé dónde estoy parada, así que se lo dedico a todas esas niñas tejedoras, o no, que pasan diariamente por mi blog silenciosas, me consta de su existencia, gracias por estar.
Besitos a todas.


El amor de mi vida

Para el amor de mi vida, le estoy tejiendo una muñeca. Ya habíamos dicho que tejer nos lleva por muchos lados, a mi me ayuda a pensar en las cosas lindas que nos esperan a mi nena y a mí. En las cosas que puedo construir para nuestro bien.
Es una muñeca hermosa (mi gorda y la que estoy tejiendo también) que encontré en el blog de Sabrina.

Pensé que me iba a ser más dificil, porque tengo un problema cuando la tensión es muy justa: me contracturo toda, se me duermen las manos y el meñique de la mano derecha me empieza a doler... jajaja... Creo que es por moverlo demasiado, tengo esa costumbre, más cuando tejo todo en medio punto.
La muñeca me está quedando un poco más chica de lo que se ve en la foto, según mi tía mi medio punto me está quedando como bordado en punto cruz, creo que tomo las lazadas diferente al resto del mundo, lo único que me apena es que se nota mucho cuando cambio de color.
En cuanto a las instrucciones, son muy fáciles, esta muñeca es altamente recomendable para alguien que nunca hizo un muñeco en crochet, como yo. Es mi primer intento; aunque en realidad ya tuve uno que lo dejé en la mitad porque me dolían mucho los dedos... era más chico también, creo que la miniaturas no son para mí. De cualquier modo, el patrón está "aquí"
Ya terminé el cuerpo, las piernas y los brazos, voy por la mitad de la cabeza, le estoy "poniendo" el pelo... Me parece muy divertido armar la cabeza (chicas, ya no salgo los sábados por la noche, cualquier cosa me puede llegar a parecer divertida... jajaja xD) , se me hace muy ameno.
Fotos prontamente. Y por el momento respeté los colores, pero me gustó tanto esta muñeca que ya pienso hacer otra versión =D
Espero que también la hagan :) Les mando muchos besitos, y gracias por los abrazos, les mando el mismo abrazo a todas las que me leen =)

Acabas de recibir un abrazo ¡y no te puedes escapar!
Has caído en el "abrazódromo"
¡¡Así que vas a tener que abrazar a todo el mundo que conoces!!!Abraza a
tus parientes, amigos, enemigos, ¡a todo el mundo!
El abrazo es mi señal favorita de afecto.
El puede significar tanto y tantas cosas al mismo tiempo.
Puede significar una señal de amor, de amistad, de confort o ¡todo
Una persona que te quierete envio este mensaje.
¡Ahora es tu turno!
En este momento tu estas invitado a enviar este mensaje a todos tus
¡Entonces, vamos allá!
¡Mantén el abrazodromo vivo!



Estoy tejiendo, muchas cosas al mismo tiempo, no sé si llegará el día en que finalice una... pero tejer, aunque sea sin saber si terminaré, es para mi una terapia. Me permite entumecer el pensamiento por un instante, o al contrario a veces me permite bifurcar el pensamiento, e ir y venir, mientras mis puntos van y vienen, como en automático. A veces tan en automático que me paso una vuelta o dos jajaja, y empiezo a destejer y a volver al tejido.
Qué lindo.